Why am i gay in the future tosh.o skit tv# I'd love for you to read and enjoy and hate me for it. It’s become fairly common for comedians and aspiring television writers to write and share spec scripts for famous sitcoms, often mashing them up with another show or news item. A more recent example is Eliza Cossio’s Sex and the City/Sopranos crossover script from earlier this year, but if we had to choose a standout, it would be Billy Domineau’s spec script from 2016 imagining an episode of Seinfeld that takes place in the days after 9/11. The spec instantly went viral and eventually landed Domineau, a freelance joke writer at the time, a job on Family Guy. “I feel like for many years I’d been trying to chase after what seems to be popular in the marketplace by modifying my voice in order to suit it, or by trying to tackle various media that doesn’t necessarily lend itself to my brand of humor,” Domineau told us on the project. “Eventually, about a year ago or so, I said to myself, ‘No more of that. Why am i gay in the future tosh.o skit tv#.Why am i gay in the future tosh.o skit series#.